Index telesne mase
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is determined with the formula weight divided by body height in meter to square. To make it easy for visitor of your homepage to calculate the Body Mass Index, use the in your web page . Allow me to call your attention to .
Thank you for using the BMI calculator of BMI-Club.
Thank you for using the BMI calculator of BMI-Club.
Kriterijum Svetske zdravstvene organizacije za ocenu prehrambenog stanja po vrednosti ITM( Index telesne mase) kod odraslih osoba(nisu uracunate trudnice)
- ispod 18,5 = neuhranjena osoba
- 18,5 - 24,9 = osoba sa pozeljnom tezinom
- 25,0 - 29,9 = osoba sa povecanom tezinom
- 30,0 - 34,9 = osoba sa I. stepenom gojaznosti
- 35,0 - 39,9 = osoba sa II. stepenom gojaznosti
- preko 40 = osoba sa III. stepenom gojaznosti
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